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Dragonfly Hostels

Tips To Get The Best Out Of Your Hostel Stay

Finding accommodation or staying in a hotel is a crucial part of your trip both casual and formal whether short or long. Hostels provide a sharing kind of economical accommodation option. You must do your bit to see that you get the best out of your hostel stays. Here are the tips to get a highly satisfactory staying experience while you might stay in the best hostels in Lima.



Know what is important to you
The destination you wish to travel to and the dates of your journey will characterize your search for the perfect hostel. If you will feel uncomfortable with drunk guests, avoid a party hostel; if you are planning to travel with your mountain bike, probably you will need a bike storage in the hostel. So, before you book, get to know what you want.


Choose the room that will suit you
If you wish to be comfortable in a 30 bed dorm, never look for the cheapest bed. Depending on how sociable you wish to feel, you can opt between the ones with 4-beds and 10-beds. Know that comfort will always carry a price and you must be prepared for it.


Carry locks in different sizes
The lockers you will find in hostels are not of universal kind and some of them even operate on a password system. The best advice you can get for a hostel stay is to carry locks of different sizes so that you can use the right one depending on which lock will fit the kind of locker you will find over there.


Prepare the clothes for the morning if you want to wake up early
Those who rise up early in a hostel could end up disturbing the others in two ways: they set up their alarms during odd times and they make a lot of noise while getting ready. If you wish to rise early, it is good to prepare your clothes and toiletries before you sleep so that you can grab them and go for a bath without disturbing others amidst their sleep.


Carry a larger toiletry bag
A lot of travelers usually keep all their toiletries in a small bag. If you can plan to carry a large size waterproof bag, you can fit your toiletries in it while you will have to change the clothes in the shower. It might not feel comfortable to walk back to the dorm with your towels or leave your clothes outside in the stall.